[Equipment Needs] [Equipment Sources] [CMP Books]
This section is designed to provide sources for equipment and parts pertaining to CMP participation.
These recommendations are the opinion of the submitter and in no way reflect the views of the webmaster, officers of the CMP group, officers of the club, or the club as a whole. We’re not affiliated with any of the vendors listed (unless otherwise noted).
The sources have been organized into the following catagories. Click on the name of the catagory to view that section.
General CMP Supplies Garand Parts Other Rifle Parts Ammunition & Reloading |
Gunsmiths Firearms Dealers & Distributers Miscellaneous |
ODCMP M-1 Garand, M-1 Carbine, and M-14 spare parts, some shooter accessories, and, of course, “new” Garand’s. http://www.odcmp.com or 1-888-267-0796 |
CHAMPIONS CHOICE A good source for competition gear 1-800-345-7179 |
CHAMPION SHOOTERS SUPPLY A good source for competition gear. http://www.championshooters.com |
CREEDMOR SPORTS A good source for competition gear http://www.creedmoorsports.com |
FULTON ARMORY A wealth of information about the Garand, M1 Carbine, M14, and other military rifles. They sell gunsmithing services, rifles, parts, accessories, supplies, etc. http://www.fultonarmory.com |
JARHEADTOP.COM Jim Owens’ site; he has a good book on proper use of the sling as well as videos. http://www.jarheadtop.com |
BROWNELLS Parts and supplies for gunsmithing. http://www.brownells.com |
MIDWAY USA Ammo, barrels, spotting scopes, Garand stocks, etc. http://www.midwayusa.com |
LYMAN PRODUCTS Sights and supplies. http://www.lymanproducts.com |
SINCLAIR INTERNATIONAL Products for the precision shooter www.sinclairintl.com |
SCOTT DUFF Has Garandbooks, supplies, accessories and 1,2 or 5 round clips as well as other military rifle collectables. http://www.scott-duff.com |
BATTLEFIELD RELICS Garandstocks, etc. http://www.battlefieldrelics.com |
J&T DISTRIBUTING Garand Parts and tools. http://jtdistributing.com/ |
ORION 7 ENTERPRISES, INC. Home of the M1 Garand Hospital and Garand Times Magazine — they sell rifles, parts, tools, accessories, and shop services for the Garand, m14, and Carbine. http://www.m1garandrifle.com |
GARAND GUY Parts, barrels, and entire Garands for sale. http://www.garandguy.com |
CLASSIC ARMS Garand Enbloc clips in bulk, Talon 30.06. http://www.classicarms.org/ |
EMPIRE ARMS Parts, barrels, and entire Garands for sale. http://www.empirearms.com |
J&G SALES Garand’s, parts, 30.06 ammo including some in enbloc clips. http://www.jgsales.com |
AUCTION ARMS Auction site for guns. http://www.auctionarms.com |
GUNS AMERICA Free Gun Classifieds. http://www.gunsamerica.com |
MILITARY ANTIQUES Auction site for guns. http://www.militaryantiques.com |
GUNS EXCHANGE Free Gun Classifieds. http://www.gunxchange.com |
GALLERY OF GUNS Big selling site with a lot of equipment. http://www.galleryofguns.com |
PRIVATE GUN SALE Buy and sell guns on the web. http://www.privategunsale.com |
Firearms Dealers & Distributers
AIM SURPLUS Surplus parts and ammo. http://www.aimsurplus.com/ |
AZ WEAPONS New rifles and parts, wide variety of ammo; they even handle class III firearms. http://www.azweapons.com/ |
GIBBS RIFLE COMPAY They import old battle rifles like the K98 Mauser. http://www.gibbsrifle.com |
JERSEY CITY ARMORY AR stuff, old guns, ammo, etc. http://www.jcarmory.com |
CENTURY ARMS They specialize in C&R and surplus firearms along with ammo. They have, at times, produced Garands from new receivers (that many people have avised should be avoided). http://www.centuryarms.com |
BLUE STAR CARTRIDGE & BRASS FFL-holder Type 06, 07; Class 2 Manufacturer and Class 3 Dealer; .50 BMG AR-15 Style Upper Receiver, custom AR’s, etc. http://www.blue-star-inc.com |
MILTECH ARMS They have new and refurbished M1 Garands, M1903 Springfields, M1941 Johnsons, M1917 Enfields, M1 Carbines, Model 98K German Mausers, and parts. http://www.miltecharms.com |
OLDGUNS.NET Antique and collectable firearms and militaria headquarters. http://www.oldguns.net/ |
WATSON’S WEAPONS FFL-holder Type 06, 07; Class 2 Manufacturer and Class 3 Dealer; .50 BMG AR-15 Style Upper Receiver, custom AR’s, etc. http://watsonsweapons.com |
MK’S SPECIALTIES Creates M14’s and M1A clones from rewelded receivers. Some people warn against using receviers that are welded after being de-milled. http://www.m-kspecialties.com |
MCCANN SHOP GARAND SERVICES These folks will build custom Garands including magnum cartridges. They also have parts. http://www.mccann.shop-utopia.com/rifles/garand/garand.html |
SMITH ENTERPRISES They perform Garand service along the lines of Fulton Armory and conversions to Tanker or magazine fed configurations. http://www.smithenterprise.com |
ARRINGTON ACCURACY WORKS The web site provides contact information and a few images. http://www.arringtonaccuracy.com |
CLINT FOWLER Garand (and related) gunsmith. http://www.m1-m1a-ar15.com |
S.W.F.A. INC. Riflescopes, Binoculars, or spotting-scopes. http://www.swfa.com |
CLIPS ‘N’ STUFF Accessories including M14 magazines. http://www.clipsnstuff.com |
DUPAGE TRADING COMPANY New made and original M1903, 1903A3, and Garand stocks, along with bayonets, ammo, M14 parts, and even de-milled garand receiver (rear portions). Mentioned in CMP newsletter–discount for CMP members. http://www.dupagetrading.com |
TERRITORIAL ARMORY Stripper clips, magazines, bandoliers and more. Tends to be on the expensive side. http://www.territorialarmory.com |
CHESTNUT RIDGE M1, M14, MossbergUS 44, and parts for other old/military rifles. They also have ammo for older rifles including 30.06 and AP. http://www.chestnutridge.com |
LANDRY’S GUNS AR-15 parts and accessories. http://www.landrysguns.com |
WU’S SURPLUS STUFF Bandoliers, etc. http://www.angelfire.com/on2/PandaWeb/wupage.html |
U.S. ARMORY Parts for the M1 Garand, M1 carbine, M14, AR, and more. http://www.usarmory.com |
INTERNATIONAL MILITARY SALES PLUS (IMS-PLUS) Internet’s largest and oldest army surplus superstore. http://www.imsplus.com/ |
BUFFER TECH Buffers for many different rifles and handguns – protect your investments. http://www.buffertech.com/ |
NUMRICHGUN PARTS CORP. They have everything! A good source of parts for old rifles. Their catalog acts as a schematic with many exploded diagrams of guns. http://www.gunpartscorp.com/ |
HOOSIER GUN WORKS Garand/carbine/m-14 parts. http://www.hoosiergunworks.com/ |
OTIS GUN The Complete Information Source for Otis Gun Cleaning Systems. http://www.otisgun.com |
REESE SURPLUS Surplus. http://www.reesesurplus.com |
SPORTSMAN’S GUIDE Garandparts, ammo, and supplies for the Garand, M1 Carbine, AR-15, M-14/M1A. http://www.sportsmansguide.com |
TAPCO All kinds of supplies for many different rifles. http://www.tapco.com |
SHOTGUN NEWS They sell everything. http://www.shotgunnews.com |
G.P. MAES INDUSTRIES They have been the manufacturers of the USMC shooting coat and the lightweight Competition shooting coat. Coat and USMC shooting coat (about $10 cheaper). http://www.gpmaes.com |
RUTGERS GUN BOOKS Books. http://www.rutgersgunbooks.com |
AMERICAN MILITARY LOGISTICS INC. Just about everything. http://ammil.com |
CHEAPER THAN DIRT Garandparts, ammo, and supplies for the Garand, M1 Carbine, AR-15, M-14/M1A. http://www.cheaperthandirt.com |
NATCHEZ SHOOTERS SUPPLIES Shooting supplies and equipment www.natchezss.com |