Lower Providence Rod & Gun Club Junior Trap
Executive Director – Doug Hepburn Head Coach – John Feldmann
2025 Jr. Trap Team Registration is OPEN – Deadline to register is February 15, 2025
**All 2025 team participants must be registered by 2/15 for 2025 team jerseys & vests to be ordered in time for competitions in the spring**
Jr. Trap Team Members follow these steps to join the team:
- Join the Amateur Trap Association‘s (ATA) youth program AIM which stands for Academics Integrity and Marksmanship. Use this link to join: http://www.aim4ata.com the fee to join is $25. This must be done by you and you must sign up for both ATA and AIM.
- Register for the NRA Basic Shotgun class at Lower Providence Rod & Gun Club. (Send email about the next basic shotgun class being held on Feb 15, 2025 at LPRGC). If you can’t make this class search https://www.nrainstructors.
org/ for another class that you can attend or contact Coach John Feldmann to see if we can make an accommodation. - Complete the Participation Agreement and the fee of $250 at the conclusion of NRA Basic Shotgun
- Sign up for and utilize Spond (an email invitation to use the free app will be sent from the Jr. Trap Communications team upon receipt of participation fee).
Participating in the LPRGC Jr. Trap Team includes:
- Membership in the Scholastic Clay Target Program (SCTP) a $25 value (Athletes will be enrolled by the team).
- Targets during practice (generally about $5 per 25 targets)
- Shells during practice (generally around $8 per 25 targets)
- Targets and shells for several “Team” events (this varies from event to event but could be $50-75 each)
- Potentially free shells for individual events if requirements are met
- Qualified instruction and coaching
Interested in learning more about the Jr. Trap team? Come watch a practice!
The practice and competition schedule usually runs from March until mid-November with team practice from 6:30pm-9:00pm on Friday evenings. All school-age boys and girls in grades 12 and under with the physical, mental, and emotional maturity to participate in a team sport are eligible to participate in the SCTP. Collegiate shooters must be enrolled as a full-time student in college and are eligible through the shooting season of their 25th birthday.
Youth and families interested in the Jr. Trap program are encouraged to come out and watch a practice! Our participants have the opportunity to compete against other youth teams across the state and throughout the country. There are regional/national in-person events as well as virtual events (including state championships). Please contact our team coaches by emailing: lpjuniortrap@gmail.com for more information.
Expert instruction is available from NRA Certified Coaches and Instructors with extensive experience in American Trap and other clay target sports. Participants are encouraged to bring their own shotgun. Shells and targets are provided free of charge through grants from the Lower Providence Rod and Gun Club Youth Shooting Sports Association, the NRA Foundation, Friends of NRA, and LPRGC Youth Trap Team sponsors, while supplies last.
Satisfactory completion of the NRA Basic Shotgun Course is required prior to participating in this program as is membership in ATA/AIM. Juniors who have their Basic Shotgun certificate and are interested in joining the team should contact our coaches by emailing lpjuniortrap@gmail.com prior to arriving for practice. The NRA Basic Shotgun course is offered on a periodic basis subject to sufficient interest.
The Jr. Trap team has an endowment account with the Midway Foundation that provides annual grants to the Jr. Trap team. Online donations online can be made here. Donations by check require this form. The Jr. Trap team name and code are “LPRGC Youth Trap Team” and code “R18641.”
2025 Jr. Trap Team Sponsorships are open NOW through February 15th, 2025

Contact Doug Hepburn for more information
Thank you to our 2024 Jr. Trap Team Sponsors for their support!

Interested in learning more about the LPRGC Jr. Trap Team program?
Read our most Frequently Asked Questions
Jr. Trap Team Participants will need to belong to the Amateur Trap Association. As the largest clay target shooting organization in the world, the ATA governs the sport’s rules and regulations. The ATA youth program is AIM which stands for Academics Integrity and Marksmanship. Jr Trap team members must sign up for both ATA and AIM. Join ATA by clicking on this link. Membership fees total $25.
The Scholastic Clay Target Program provides student-athletes aged elementary through college with a supportive environment where shooting sports serve as catalysts for teaching life lessons and skills that emphasize positive character traits and citizenship values. Jr. Trap Team participants will need to complete and sign the SCTP Medical Consent Form and the SCTP Sportsmanship Contract.