Carbine Rifle

Course Dates – 2024!

Carbine 1:

    • Classroom in the Clubhouse (8:00 am-10:00 am)
    • NOTE – All firearms must be cased prior to entering the range.  Student and Instructor firearms will remain cased until instructed to uncase.
    • All demonstrations will be done with a Blue Gun.
    • Remainder (10:30am – 4:00 pm) on the 100 Yard Range
  • Dates:
    • Concluded for the year

To register for the class, please use the SignUp Genius link distributed in email to the Club membership 2 weeks prior to the class

Prerequisite: LPRGC club membership, Completed NRA Basic Rifle or Revere’s Riders.  Equivalent classes (like CMP) at discretion of the Lead Instructor.

Cost Per Course is $60 per person. Class is limited to members 18 or older. Under 18 requires prior permission of the Rifle Chairman.  Class size will be limited. Class will be held no matter the weather. We have loaner carbines available.  Please ask for loaners if you need them when you register.

Carbine 2:

    • Course conducted on the 100yd Range
    • 8am – 4pm
  • Dates:
    • 10/19/24

To register for the class please use the Signup Genius link that will be published 2 weeks prior to the class

Prerequisite: Carbine 1

Cost Per Course is $60 per person. Class is limited to members 18 or older. Under 18 requires prior permission of the Rifle Chairman.  Class size will be limited. Class will be held no matter the weather.

Example Equipment:

  • Slings

2-Point Sling  (link)

  • Chest Rig  (link)
  • Dump Pouch  (link)

Course Descriptions

Carbine 1

The Basic Carbine Course is a One Day Moderate Intensity class with the emphasis on the basics of marksmanship and safe manipulation of the carbine. This class will include:

  • Nomenclature
  • Disassembly / Assembly
  • Proper Lubrication
  • Zeroing optics and iron sights
  • Maintenance
  • Magazine selection
  • Sight types, optics
  • Slings
  • Ammunition

Practical application will include Carbine Safety; Sight Alignment / Sight Picture; Mounting the Carbine, Trigger Control; Loading / Unloading / Reloading; Malfunction clearance, Position shooting – Standing.

Particular emphasis will be placed at understanding ballistics including mechanical offset, Advanced Reload techniques, Advanced Malfunction Clearance techniques, Use of Barricades, Support side and Support hand firing. We will also be doing several timed drills for reloads and trigger control (Half and Half). Drills with multiple repetitions at varying distances from 5-20 yards on carbine mounts and multiple shot and multiple target drills, with reloads/malfunction clearances as needed.

This class will be held rain, snow or shine.

Please arrive on time, class begins at 8 AM sharp. We hope to wrap up right around 4pm. We will meet at the 25 yard range. We have a very full day so please be on time. We will supply all targets and stands.

At the end of this class you will have a good understanding of the functioning of the Carbine, and how to safely and effectively employ it for self defense.

Please bring the following:

  • A good attitude
  • Serviceable .22lr Carbine  (An AR type is STRONGLY recommended)
  • Optics are desirable, but not necessary
  • You may also bring other types of Carbines as long as they are .22lr
  • At least 250 rounds of serviceable .22lr rifle ammunition
  • Empty Chamber Flags are NOT required for this course
  • A serviceable sling. A tactical sling is best, but you must have a sling, THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Minimum three serviceable rifle magazines, 25 round preferable. Please mark your mags so they are easily ID’d as yours
  • Recommend you bring as many mags as possible to minimize reloading time
  • The ability to carry at least two rifle magazines on your body; chest rig, mag holders, pouches, vest or coat pockets are OK
  • Eye protection and Ear protection
  • Clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather
  • Shooting gloves are optional
  • Water, electrolyte replacement and food. We will break for lunch but you are on your own for food

Carbine 2

This class is limited to LPRGC Club members who participated in the Carbine 1 classes.

Capacity is limited to 16 students.
This class will be held rain, snow or shine.

Please arrive for setup at 8 am, class begins at 9 AM sharp. We hope to wrap up right around 4pm. We will meet at the 100 yard range. We have a very full day so please be on time. We will supply all targets and stands.

Please bring the following:

  • A good attitude
  • Serviceable Carbine – (An AR type is STRONGLY recommended)
  • Optics are desirable but not necessary
  • You may also bring other types of Military Carbines such as AK’s or M-1 Carbine
  • 400 rounds of serviceable rifle ammunition – Steel core OK for the paper targets. Please bring at least 50 rounds of lead ammo as we are shooting steel
  • 50 rounds of serviceable pistol ammunition (ONLY  if you are a Tuesday Knight, Action Pistol or Holster qualified)
  • Empty Chamber Flags are NOT required for this course
  • 3 to 5 dummy rounds appropriate to your rifle – we will have .223/5.56 and .308 available to lend
  • A serviceable sling. A tactical sling is best, but you must have a sling, THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS
  • Minimum three serviceable rifle magazines, 30 round preferable for Rifle, 20’s OK. Please mark your mags so they are easily ID’d as yours
  • Recommend you bring as many mags as possible to minimize reloading time. Also, a magazine loader such as “Lula” helps save your thumbs
  • The ability to carry at least two rifle magazines on your body; chest rig, mag holders, pouches, vest or coat pockets are OK
  • Eye protection and Ear protection
  • Clothing and footwear appropriate for the weather
  • Kneepads and elbow pads are optional, you will be shooting from seated/kneeling and prone positions
  • Shooting gloves are optional, but highly recommended
  • Water, electrolyte replacement and food. We will break for lunch but you are on your own for food

Shooting in the Snow

Carbine 2 LPRGC 13.12.14

Shooting in the cold and wind

Carbine 1 14.01.18

Interesting Photo from Carbine 2 December 14, 2013 – ejected case from 1 student shot in midair by another student (This was not done on purpose, please do not try to replicate)

Midair Shot case