Rifle Clinic

  • Date: 4th Saturday of every-other Month from March-October
    • The last Clinic for 2024 will be October 26th
  • Time: 8AM-10AM
  • Location: 100 Yard Rifle Range
  • Cost: Free
  • Availability: The Rifle Clinic is restricted to LPRGC members and provisional members
  • Attendance: The Rifle Clinic is a sign-up in advance event. Links to sign up are distributed to the Rifle and New Members.io groups the week prior to the event. Due to the strong interest in this event walk-ups cannot be accommodated, so please sign up in advance.

The Rifle Clinic is intended to assist members who want to improve their marksmanship skills, learn about NPOA, breath control, trigger discipline, shooting positions, sight in rifles, etc. The tenets of the NRA Basic Rifle modules will be focused on. You will have the opportunity to work with an NRA Certified Rifle Instructor on improving your skills and abilities. Please bring the rifle or rifles you want to work with and at least 100 rounds of ammunition, along with eye and ear protection. A spotting scope or other method for spotting targets is recommended but not required. For those who have had trouble passing the Rifle Qualification in the past, there will be an opportunity to take the test again during the Clinic.

The Clinic consists of four stations set up to provide shooters with options depending upon the skills they wish to work on. Shooters will first have an opportunity to learn to zero their rifle, and once their zero is validated can take advantage of the other stations in the Clinic. For those that attend the Clinic, there will be an opportunity at the end of the session to attempt to qualify on the 100 Yard Rifle Range.


  • Sight-In- This Station is intended to teach the basics of rifle zero, scope zeroing, and sight manipulation. The goal is not just to ensure that your rifle has a good zero on it, but to teach you how to achieve a good zero so that you can apply that skillset to any equipment.
  • 50 Yard Shooting- This Station is intended to provide shooters with practical experience shooting at targets 50 yards away under the direction of an NRA Instructor. The tenets of marksmanship will be focused on, and exercises in NPOA, sight alignment, sight picture, breath control, trigger control, and consistent process will be conducted.
  • 100 Yard Shooting- Similar to the 50 yard shooting station, only at 100 yards.