Friday Nights

FRIDAY NIGHT OPEN TRAP SHOOT – 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM, year round.

 (Staff may extend the shoot past 7:00 if there are still shooters who wish to squad)

The Friday night trap shoots are open to the public (members and non-members). You must bring your own shotgun. LPRGC does not sell or rent firearms for this event. 12 gauge shells are available for purchase at the front desk.  If you bring your own, you are limited to a 3 dram equivalent maximum load using 7.5 size shot or smaller (#8, #9).

A round consists of 25 shots (5 each from 5 locations). Shells are loaded 1 at a time during the round.  Handicap and doubles are also available.

Friday Night Open Trap:

  • Sign Up/Squadding/Shooting Procedures
    • Shooters must purchase a punch card.  This will be good for 5 rounds of 25 targets each. Cost is $25 for members and $30 for non-members.
    • Staff will punch the card for each round (2 punches for doubles) when you sign up for a squad.
    • Punch cards do not expire. You may use them at any non-registered, non-league trap shoot at LPRGC.
    • 12 gauge shells will be available for $10/box. (Due to ammo shortages, restrictions regarding purchase amounts may be in effect.)

Shooters, please keep in mind that no coaching or instruction is available during Friday night shoots.  LPRGC does not offer rental guns.