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General Information

We encourage new shooters and experienced shooters to join us.

The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) promotes firearms safety training and rifle practice for all U.S. citizens with special emphasis on youth.  The CMP operates through a network of affiliated shooting clubs and associations that covers every state in the U.S. The clubs and associations offer firearms safety training and marksmanship courses as well as the opportunity for continued practice and competition.  Lower Providence Rod & Gun Club (LPRGC) is such an affiliate.

The CMP was created by the U.S. Congress.  The original purpose was to provide civilians an opportunity to learn and practice marksmanship skills so they would be skilled marksmen if later called on to serve the U.S. military.  Over the years the emphasis of the program shifted to focus on youth development through marksmanship.  From 1916 until 1996 the CMP was administered by the U.S. Army.  The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1996 (TITLE XVI) created the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice & Firearms Safety, Inc. (CPRPFS) to take over administration and promotion of the CMP. The CPRPFS is a tax-exempt not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that derives its mission from public law.

Special Events:

Garand Match TBD – We will follow the Garand Match Rules at our regular shoot.  WWII rifles recommended.
National Matches July/August – A group of us will be going to the national matches.  You should ask if you have any interest.  There are great learning opportunities (especially for juniors) and all the “big” stores will be there selling gear.  Car-pooling and gear-sharing is usually available.
Fort Indiantown Gap TBD – We are planning on shooting the pop-up targets at the National Guard base near Hershey, PA.  This is typically with the pistol shooters; one day rifle, one day pistol.

For more information, visit the LPRGC web site at, or contact:


The LPRGC CMP has regular shoots on the 1st Saturday of each month at the our club.  Plan on arriving at 8:30AM for registration, training (new shooters), and setting up the targets.  The shoot usually finishes around 1200 PM. If the weather is too inclement to shoot, we have indoor training/coaching sessions instead. There will be no session if there are hazardous driving conditions.

You can use any military rifle, such as the M1 Garand, Carbine, M-14, or the AR-15.  If you do not have one, arrangements can usually be made to borrow another member’s Garand, AR-15, or Carbine, or you can be provided with a loaner rifle (you must shoot the Club ammunition in the loaner rifles).  All shooters should bring their own eye and ear protection. While we can try and provide these items for you, we do not guarantee availability.

We have a limited number of loaner AR-15 rifles for attendees and juniors.

The course of fire is:

  • 10 shots for sighters (slow fire prone)
  • 10 shots off hand (slow fire standing)
  • 10 shots sitting (rapid fire standing-to-sitting)
  • 10 shots prone (rapid fire standing-to-prone)
  • 20 shots prone (slow fire prone)

We shoot on the 100 yard range, but for new juniors, the distance can be reduced to 50 yards for a more positive experience.

All juniors shoot for free.  The cost for Club members is $8, and for non-member adults it is $10 for the shoot.  Adults may purchase 60 rounds of .30-’06, .223, or .30 carbine for $30.00 that must be shot at the match- we do not sell ammunition for “take away” from the event.  Please keep in mind that you must use our ammunition in the loaner rifles.

We encourage both inexperienced and experienced shooters to come and join us for an enjoyable and safe shooting experience.  We use a coaching program where our experienced shooters coach any inexperienced shooters.

For information on the purchase of an M1 Garand contact CMP National Headquarters at (888) 267-0796 or visit their web site at